Laura's Story

“Once I saw all of the experience I had gained at each of my jobs, it made me think ‘wow, I really do have a lot to offer’…”

Since she was 16, Laura knew that she wanted a career where she could help people. This led her to a position with the North Carolina State Parks and to serve in the NC Army National Guard, including six months in Desert Shield/Storm. After working various government jobs, in 2013 Laura unexpectedly found herself unemployed. She sought out help at StepUp Ministry.


Laura went through StepUp Ministry’s week-long employment program where she worked on her resume and prepared for employment. Dress for Success Triangle partners with StepUp Ministry to provide its clients with professional clothing for upcoming interviews. Working with her image coach, Laura got suited for her interview. After landing her job, Laura came back to receive a professional wardrobe for her new job. “I’m not a big shopper,” shares Laura, “I hate it. But to have all of these ladies fawn over me and to bring me all of these outfits to try on, it was really great.” Laura says that she left with several shirts that she would have never picked out for herself, along with several pieces she was able to mix and match to create multiple outfits.

Lifelong Support

Laura came back to Dress for Success Triangle a year later to meet with her career coach to work on her resume. She knew she was looking for something new, but wasn’t sure what. Laura wasn’t feeling very confident in herself when she first came to visit because she felt like her resume showed short experiences at multiple jobs. Her career coach helped her to format her resume to focus on the skills that she had learned at each of her jobs. “Once I saw all of the experience I had gained at each of my jobs, it made me think ‘wow, I really do have a lot to offer’--it really boosted my confidence,” says Laura.

After her visit with her career coach, Laura transitioned to positions including her current job working with veterans. Laura calls herself a government servant. Based on her experience, we couldn’t agree more!

Continued Skill-Building

Since landing her job, Laura has been a part of our professional women’s group, Networking for Success, which provides workshops and networking opportunities for working women. “It’s been helpful to be able to meet with other women and build my skills,” says Laura. Some topics from the workshops that have stuck with Laura are building communication skills with her employer and colleagues, as well as the financial building classes. 

Laura gives back to support other women by donating her professional clothing and encouraging others to do the same. Thank you, Laura!

Are you looking for work? Meet with a career and image coach to help you get ready for your next career! Request an appointment here.

Are you working and looking for career support and networking? Join Networking for Success! Read more here.