Lisa's Story

"I didn't know what I didn't know."

Lisa is a business professional with more than two decades of experience. She knows what she's doing and she knows how to do it well. When she was unexpectedly laid off from her job, Lisa thought she'd bounce back easily. Why wouldn't she? She had the experience and the education, but Lisa applied to job after job without a call back.

After months of not getting any hits on her resume, Lisa turned to Dress for Success Triangle NC for help. That's where she enrolled in the Going Places Network, a ten-week class focused on the tools women need to become employed.

"I came into class with a bad attitude," says Lisa. "What were they going to teach me?" Lisa left the first day amazed by all of the tools she learned in just one class. Lisa was eager to come back class after class.

Times Have Changed

Lisa says it wasn't long after joining the Going Places Network that she learned why she wasn't getting a call back.

"I hadn't applied for a job in years," says Lisa. She learned that the way people apply for jobs had changed since the last time she was applying. Lisa learned how to use multiple resumes based on the job she was applying for, how to use LinkedIn to market herself, how to perfect her elevator pitch, and a wealth of other tools.

Lisa says she's especially thankful for the mock interviews she received through the class that allowed her to practice and get all of the jitters out. "We had interviews at huge, intimidating companies that I never even thought to apply at, and it made me realize that they're just people too. Everyone made me feel so welcome, I realized I could maybe see myself here one day too."

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A Network of Support

"In addition to all of the great things I learned from the Going Places Network, I gained a network of support that I now refer to as my sisterhood. Even though the class has ended, we stay connected online. We encourage each other and lift one another up." Lisa says she's found professional development classes, job leads, and other opportunities thanks to her sisterhood.

What's Next for Lisa?

Shortly after graduating the Going Places Network, Lisa was hired for a full time position. Today she continues to help other women as a mentor at Dress for Success Triangle. 

Are you interested in learning more information about the Going Places Network? Read more or register here.