6 Things You Should Research Before Your Interview

After writing 100’s of resumes, rewriting cover letters, telephone screens, and interviews, you have just been informed that you landed the opportunity to interview with the company of your dreams!

Here are some areas you should research to prepare for your upcoming interview and to nail your interview.

The Company Website: The company’s website is the starting point to learn about what the company does, its mission and its values (usually found on its “About Us” page). Check out the company press room to learn about new or upcoming product launches, awards received, or other company news and information. Most companies also have a dedicated “Careers” section where you can learn about what it is like to work there, the culture and the benefits.

  • About Us

  • Careers

  • Press Room

  • News

  • Quick Facts

  • Contact Us

Go to their website and find out about what products or services they provide. What do they sell and how do they make money? Why might their customers or clients choose them?

Learn anything you can about the company culture too. Click buttons like “About Us” or “Meet Our Team” when you are on the company website.

Then visit their “Careers” section. Make sure you are familiar with the job description and look at the other jobs they are hiring for too.

Social Media: Browse the company’s social media pages for more up-to-date news and exciting happenings at the company. Seeing how the company interacts with fans and followers on social media can also help you get a closer look inside the culture and values.

Company Name

  • Find out the company’s main location (HQ) and regional locations

  • Look up the company’s size and its annual turnover

  • Research the company’s leadership

Company Business

  • What services does the company provide?

  • What products does the company make?

  • What is the company’s mission/vision and value statement?

  • Can I sum up these details in my own words?


Company Review Websites: Third-party sites allow current and former employees to rate and review the company. Learn more about what it is like to work there and what you can expect from leadership.

Use the following links to search for the company you’ll be interviewing with:

Go read some recent developments and press releases to get a sense of what the company is working on.

The Person(s) interviewing you

Researching your interviewer puts you ahead of your competition. The key is to learn about each of the people slated to conduct your interview before it begins.

  • Check their LinkedIn Profiles

  • Company Website

  • Industry Publications

  • Social Media

What you should know in preparation for an interview is a lot like preparing for an exam. If you do not prepare for the exam, your chances of failing are much higher. All the knowledge you need to ace the interview is right at your fingertips, but it is up to you to study, research, and become an expert on the company and job for which you are interviewing.

Are you looking for employment? Dress for Success Triangle can help you prepare your resume, provide tips for getting the attention of job recruiters, and provide you with professional clothing for your interview. Request an appointment here.


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Marie Morgan Gowdy is a Dress for Success Triangle, Going Places Network facilitator in Durham NC.