Learn from the Pros (Part One)

Turn on the news, and you will see a journalist interviewing a subject expert, CEO or spokesperson. Most of them get it right every time. The go-to tips they use to prepare for and conduct interviews with reporters are also perfect for your next job interview. Follow the tips below to knock your next interview out of the park.

Before the Interview

1. Do your research.
Before you walk into an interview, know the company and the job you are interviewing for. A quick Google search will provide you with information on whether the company has been bought or sold recently, if they are growing or how many people they employ.

The job description will tell you about the position’s responsibilities and the qualifications they are looking for. As part of your research, write down the responsibilities and qualifications and the experience you have for each one. If you don’t have experience in all of the areas, don’t worry. Focus on what you can bring to the position. The steps below will help you highlight your strengths and experience.

2. Prepare your elevator speech.
In a recent post, we talked about creating an elevator speech that you can give to introduce yourself. Your elevator speech will include information about you, your work experience, and your goals. Follow the steps listed here to create a stellar elevator speech.

3. Make a list of potential questions. Practice your answers.
There are standard questions that most interviewers will ask, such as:

  • Tell us about yourself.
    This is where your elevator speech comes in handy.

  • What interested you in this position?
    It is here where you can tell how much you like and respect the company or that you think the company and the position are the perfect match for your skillset.

  • Where do you see yourself in five years?

    Perhaps your answer is to be in a managerial role in customer service and this position will provide you the opportunity to build the necessary skills.  Maybe you have been using the company’s product or going to their store for years and would love to be a part of the team that makes or sells that product.

Other questions may focus specifically on the job, such as how many years of experience you have in the field, hands-on experience with projects and processes related to the field and specific examples of successes and other lessons learned.

Next week, we will talk about tips for nailing the interview.

Dress for Success Triangle offers career tools to women at no cost. Meet with a career and image coach to prepare for your next interview by requesting an appointment here.

Mindy Hamlin is President of Hamlin Communications