4 Things to Remember for your Interview

We’re all familiar with those jittery nerves that pop up the night before and day of an interview. Numerous thoughts run through our minds about whether or not we are truly ready for all the questions, or even qualified for the position. Having confidence in the workplace that carries over into the labor you do, starts at the very beginning stages - the interview!

These 4 tips will help to not only improve this overall experience, but also help ease your mind and calm down those nerves.

  1. Confidence

    This first tip can be addressed in so many different ways. Being confident stems from wearing an outfit that you feel comfortable and radiant in, giving yourself enough time in advance so that you are not stressed about being late, or simply doing mock interviews beforehand to prep. Having confidence is not just a one-time act, but an ongoing process. Even if you may not feel as confident in some areas, it is about doing everything you can to set yourself up for success.

  2. Articulation

    The initial interview can determine a lot for your future within a company. Interviews are solely based on talking and the employer getting a feel for who you are. You want to be able to convey your message concisely. Practicing what to say and how to say it makes all the difference. This way, your thoughts do not get mixed up in any frivolous comments and you are able to confidently express your intellect and abilities.

  3. Sleep

    A good night’s rest can go a long way. Sleep has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, improve your memory, make you more alert, boost our brain functioning, and the list continues. These are essential to making or breaking your interview. If you struggle with falling asleep, try listening to calm noises or sleep frequencies on YouTube. This is such an easy task that can start you off on the right track for the day.

  4. Time

    Being on time to your interview sets the stage for making a good first impression. You should aim to arrive 10 minutes before the time of the scheduled interview. This will allow time to find a parking space, make any last minute touches to your appearance, and locate the exact office. Your time can be effectively managed by allocating enough hours to complete all necessary tasks before your interview. Creating a schedule for these days is very helpful in preventing tardiness or any stress.

    These tips are absolutely free and can help change the environment of the interview drastically. Don’t let those nerves take over your day, instead be in control and confident!

Dress for Success Triangle offers career tools to women at no cost. Meet with a career and image coach to prepare for your next interview by requesting an appointment here.

Alexis Brown is the Head Cheerleading Coach at Northeastern University.