7 Reasons Why You Should Request A Career Coaching Appointment

  1. You don’t know where or how to start your job search. No worries! Your career coach will work with you to identify your skills and show you where to start.

  2. You need help with your resume. A career coaching appointment is perfect for you! We’ll help you to edit or even start a resume based on the job you’re applying for.

  3. You want to practice for your upcoming interview. Your career coach will walk through commonly asked interview questions and provide you with suggestions on how you can best answer them. Your career coach will work with you to craft hard to answer questions so that you can be prepared.

  4. To get one-on-one, focused attention and feedback. Your career coach works one-on-one with you to meet your career goals. Every career coach is scheduled with just one client at a time in order to focus on you.

  5. Because Dress for Success Triangle Career Coaches want to empower you by equipping you with tools/skills to be successful in life. Your career coach is here to set you up for success in the long-term by providing you with the tools you need for both work and life.

  6. It’s fun! We create a collaborative experience that’s inviting and informative. All of our career coaches are volunteers from a variety of different backgrounds.

  7. Because you deserve it! Everybody deserves to find a stable job that makes them happy. We want to help you find that job!

Are you ready to set up your career coaching appointment? Request your appointment here.


Aliza Bricklin is a Career Coach at Dress for Success Triangle.